Saturday 11 August 2012

Money makes the world go round, in the case of Germany in 1933, it allowed a certain Adolf Hitler to rise to power.

I disagree with this statement as I feel that besides money issues, Hitler`s own attributes allowed him to rise to power, such as being an excellent speaker and a charismatic leader and reorganising the nazi party.

After world war 1, Germany had a lot of debts. So, the Weimar Government had to print more money to pay of their debts. But, this lead to hyper-inflations and many Germans become poor. Although the economy recovered in the end the weimar government still lost the support of the middle class because they felt that weimar government had failed them.So, they would want to choose a different Government such as hitler.Thus, Germans being poor allowed Hitler to rise to power.

One other point would be Hitler being an excellent speaker and a charismatic leader. Many people would listen to hitlet talk  for hours because they thought that Hitler understood their problems and because hitler told them what they wanted. This ability also saved him when he was in court for overthrowing the Weimar Government.Hitler was sympathetic and sentenced Hitler to 5 years of jail. So, this allowed hitlet to rise to power because he was able to gain many support from the people and was allowed to survive the trial because of this ability and eventually took power.

Another point would be Hitler`s ability to reorganise the Nazi Party. Initially, the Nazi party had the least seats and votes. But, after hitler set up branches of the nazi party in different pars of Germany, created a youth movement and large public meetings . Hitler was able to gain alot ofsupports for the nazi party which help the nazi partygain most seats and votes in the end.So, because of the hitler`s ability to reorganise the party, he was able to rise to power since he was the leader of the nazi party, which was the most powerfull party.

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